My Sign by Date

Western zodiac 23.08-22.09:
Sign: ♍︎ The Maiden
Element: 🜃 Earth
Planet: ☿ Mercury

Celtic zodiac 02.09-29.09:
Tree: Vine
Ogham: ᚋ Muin
Color: Pastels
Spirit animal: Lizard, Hound, White swan
Gemstone: Emerald

Western zodiac, Signs :
21.03 - 19.04 : ♈︎ The Ram
20.04 - 20.05 : ♉︎ The Bull
21.05 - 21.06 : ♊︎ The Twins
22.06 - 22.07 : ♋︎ The Crab
23.07 - 22.08 : ♌︎ The Lion
23.08 - 22.09 : ♍︎ The Maiden
23.09 - 22.10 : ♎︎ The Scales
23.10 - 22.11 : ♏︎ The Scorpion
23.11 - 21.12 : ♐︎ The Archer
22.12 - 19.01 : ♑︎ The Goat
20.01 - 18.02 : ♒︎ The Water-bearer
19.02 - 20.03 : ♓︎ The Fish

Celtic zodiac, Signs :
24.12 - 20.01 : ᚁ Beith - Birch
21.01 - 17.02 : ᚂ Luis - Rowan
18.02 - 17.03 : ᚅ Nion - Ash
18.03 - 14.04 : ᚃ Fearn - Alder
15.04 - 12.05 : ᚄ Sail - Willow
13.05 - 09.06 : ᚆ Uath - Hawthorn
10.06 - 07.07 : ᚇ Dair - Oak
08.07 - 04.08 : ᚈ Tinne - Holly
05.08 - 01.09 : ᚉ Coll - Hazel
02.09 - 29.09 : ᚋ Muin - Vine
30.09 - 27.10 : ᚌ Gort - Ivy
28.10 - 24.11 : ᚍ Ngeadal - Reed
25.11 - 23.12 : ᚏ Ruis - Elder

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Source: wikipedia,